Selamat datang di Website Padepokan Suluk lan Ngudi Ilmu "Ulul Albab" Mojokerto, sebuah Majelis Ta'lim dengan nara sumber KH Dr Wahib Wahab M. Fil I., melaksanakan kegiatan zikir "Suluk" dan mengkaji "Ilmu Salaf dan Modern" setiap Rabu malam pukul 20.00 Wib (Kajian Kitab Untuk Umum), Jumat Pagi pukul 07.00 Wib (Ilmu Tasyawuf) dan Minggu pukul 07.00 Wib (Untuk Kalangan Akademisi/Mahasiswa), di PAS Ngilmu Ulul Albab, Karang Lo - Wates - Mojokerto

What happen with "Siwak"

Excerpt: Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) –Ibn Qayyim Pages 280-282

1. The best type of Siwak is made from the Arak Trees. Further, one should not use an unknown tree for Siwak for it might be poisonous.

2. Siwak should be used moderately, because it might cause the coating of the teeth to wear away and thus the teeth will be susceptible to the hot vapors or gasses that ascend from the stomach and to all kinds of dirt.

3. When the Siwak is used moderately, it will polish the teeth, strengthen the roots of the teeth, help the tongue, prevent plaque, perfume the breath, clear the mind and strengthen the appetite.

4. The best way to use the Siwak is by soaking it in rose water. Also the best type of Siwak is made from walnut stems.

The author of At-Taysir said, “It was said that when one uses the Siwak every five days, it will clear the head, sharpen the senses and alert the mind.”

5. Siwak is beneficial for many reasons, such as perfuming the breath, strengthening the gingival, clearing the phlegm and the sight and the preventing cavities.

6. It also preserves the heath of the stomach, clears the voice, helps the digestion process, helps make the speech clear and encourages one to recite the Qur’an, remember Allah and pray.

7. Siwak also fights sleepiness, pleases the Lord, delights the angels and increases the number of good deeds.

8. Siwak is preferred at any time, especially before the Prayer, ablution, when waking up and when the mouths foul odor. It is also preferred for those who are fasting and all other people at all times.

9. There are Ahadith that allow this practice for those who are fasting, because it is beneficial for them and pleases the Lord.
