Assalamu'alaikum wr wb
In the midst of the darkness that engulfed the world, the divine
revelation echoed in the wide desert of Arabia with a fresh, noble,
and universal message to humanity: "O Mankind, keep your duty to
your Lord who created you from a single soul and from it created
its mate (of same kind) and from them twain has spread a multitude
of men and women" (Qur'an 4: 1).
Stressing this noble and natural conception, them Qur'an states:
He (God) it is who did create you from a single soul and therefrom did create his mate, that he might dwell with her (in love)...(Qur'an 7:189)
The Creator of heavens and earth: He has made for you pairs from among yourselves ...Qur'an 42:1 1
And Allah has given you mates of your own nature, and has given you from your mates, children and grandchildren, and has made provision of good things for you. Is it then in vanity that they believe and in the grace of God that they disbelieve? Qur'an 16:72
The rest of this paper outlines the position of Islam regarding
the status of woman in society from its various aspects - spiritually,
socially, economically and politically.